Crochet Flower For Decoration
Craft is for many a therapy or a way to relax and for so many others it is a way to make money. In both cases, crochet is a very sought after technique, dear and very characteristic of Brazil, although it also exists in other countries. Crochet flowers are the darling of the technique, since they are usually easy to make, as well as versatile.
Crochet flowers are very popular because they can be applied to other pieces such as rugs, crochet table top, towels and other types of cloths, making them more beautiful and personalized. In addition to applications, crochet flowers can also be used for decorating handmade flower pots, coasters, American games, curtains and wherever the imagination demands.
The effect of the stitches of crochet flowers is given by the size of the needle and also by the material chosen for the work. Crochet flowers can be made of string, for a more uniform and defined effect, or in wool. In this case, the flowers look more cushioned, with the spots less defined. The needle selection can be made according to the one indicated on the line.
Usually, two sizes of needles are suggested, with the smaller the points become tighter and the larger the points become looser. Everything will depend on the effect you desire.
The lines you choose may be smooth or blended depending on the impression you want to make: smooths are more common and can be done in different layers or gradients.
Already merged, as the name already says, have the colors mixed and can not create gradient, but it is capable of creating many other beautiful effects! I hope this inspires you. Good job!
A good idea is to give someone with these beautiful crochet flowers, anyone will love it! It’s a sure gift, and I say from personal experience!
SEE TOO > Christmas Star Table Runner
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