Quilting Pattern

Summer Spinner Quilts

The Summer Spinner Quilts are true works of textile art that capture all the beauty and vitality of the current seasons.

With vibrant cores and intricate patterns, these quilts are a treat to celebrate or see in all their glory.

Each piece is meticulously crafted, with light, sanded textures that evoke the soft breeze and warmth of the sun.

The Summer Spinner Quilts often incorporate motifs that refer to the exuberant nature of this season: wild flowers, exotic flowers and even elements such as the sea, the beach and the clear sky.

What makes these quilts truly special is how they skillfully combine cores and textures to create a dazzling visual effect.

The tons of yellow, orange and red are mixed in harmony with softer tons of blue, green and white, as each seam tells a summer story.

In addition to its aesthetic beauty, the Summer Spinner Quilts carry with them a feeling of comfort and joy.

They are not just decorative pieces, but also represent the dedication and care of what we make. Each point has a letter of artisanal work and paixão for the creation of something truly unique.

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Whether to decorate a living room, brighten a room or even be passed down from generation to generation as a family treasure, the Summer Spinner Quilts are more than simple quilts.

It is an artistic expression of summer, capturing the energy and beauty of this season in a work of textile art that warms the heart and enchants the eyes.

Follow step by step through the link and do not see any details to learn how to make this beautiful quilt.

Summer Spinner Quilts

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